Today on TGMT- Bea Johnson has embraced a waste-free lifestyle with her family since 2008 and is the author of the bestseller, Zero Waste Home. She is a popular blogger and Internationally acclaimed lecturer. She has simplified her life by reducing waste, and her family of four's overall quality of life has changed for the better.
I first heard about Bea while watching Lauren Singer’s Ted Talk on Living Waste Free – Lauren had planned on going a year without plastics when she learned about Bea who was living waste free with a family of four, and THAT GOT ME THINKING about:
Intention vs. Action, the personal and social consequences of bucking the system, the challenges involved with living our principles and values, boundaries, tradeoffs, determination and commitment vs. convenience and walking the talk even when it’s really, really hard.
JOIN US: LISTEN LIVE Today at 11:00 a.m Mountain time